About Us/Contact Us was founded on May 1, 2012.  The most important thing we exist for is to provide Education for the Survival & Preparedness of all of us to ease the impact on the safety and security of ourselves, our families, our businesses and our loved ones in the event of an emergency or disaster.  We do care tremendously for the safety and security of those who take the necessary steps to plan and prepare in advance. This includes always being ready to protect and defend our own lives and the very lives of our family, friends and loved ones.  Our mission is to Educate you by presenting the latest Information, Intelligence, Products, Strategies, Solutions, Tactic's, Tips and Training available on the planet Earth today.  This includes providing knowledge for you to learn and prepare you and your loved ones for any potential disaster we have the common sense to see coming. We believe that is what sets us apart from others. is operates right here at Kentucky Lake, USA as well as on the Suncoast of the Gulf near Pasco County, Florida.   Since we have created our website, we’ve decided to treat all of those who have come to know us like they were a part of our own family.  Our efforts are some of the best and we promise to teach and inform you with some of the best intelligence on emergency preparedness available today!  SAVE US as one of your favorites and come back often, you won't be sorry you did!  IF YOU HAVE any questions, comments, suggestions or basically anything on your mind please use the Contact Us box below.  We would love to hear from you! 
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Subscribers to the newsletter are a thriving community of readers eager to learn more about Survival & Preparedness solutions, strategies and tactics and to find ways to reduce their own impact during an emergency or disaster and to protect the safety and security of their families and loved ones during such an event.

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 JW Davis / President

JW is a first responder Firefighter from Marshall County, Kentucky.  He has had extensive training in firefighting procedures, and he holds numerous Certifications in Fire & Rescue.  He is also a former candidate for Constable from the 1st district of Marshall County, Kentucky during the 2010 election. He is a past member involved with the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in the state of Florida on the Emergency Disasters Team.  He is also a past member with the American Red Cross Disaster Team in Central Florida.

"I care tremendously about what happens to our country and in our local communities. I care even more about all of us who have the foresight to Think, Plan and Prepare on how to survive any emergency or disaster that comes our way", he said.

"I hope you will realize as you look through this website, the important necessity to plan, prepare and survive any event that happens in our lives and to act immediately to Protect and Defend the Safety and Security of your Family, Friends, Home, Property, Business and Loved Ones from any natural or unnatural event", JW said.

"We intend to present and accomplish very worthwhile Information and Intelligence about the importance of being prepared with this website. Thank You so much for visiting this site. I sincerely hope that the Information, Intelligence, News, Analysis, Products, Solutions, Strategies, Tactic's, Tips and Training offered here helps you to plan and prepare for anything that comes our way in the future. As our staff and advisors work on our website, we will continue to add amazing and dynamic content as we move forward in our mission to inform everyone on how to protect and survive relevant events in our lives", he said.

Our staff here at this site hope you will consider and support the products and services we offer here and support our partners and sponsors in our endeavor to Think, Plan, Prepare, Act and Survive any emergency that comes your way.

We really appreciate you stopping by and if you have any further questions or comments, we would love to hear from you at any time.  Just send us a message or feel free to email JW at his email listed below. 

You can also text him at the phone number provided below.  Thank You again!  God Bless each and every one of you and God Bless America!

South Marshall County, Kentucky - Kentucky Lake
West Pasco County, Florida - Gulf Coast
Office Tel: 727.657.3339

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About Us/Contact Us Page
Already Prepared @
A Company
Kentucky Lake, USA 42048
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